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Hubot Documentation


For the purpose of maintainability, several internal flows are documented here.

Message Processing

When a new message is received by an adapter, a new Message object is constructed and passed to robot.receive (async). robot.receive then attempts to execute each Listener in order of registration by calling (async), passing in the Listener Middleware stack. first checks to see if the listener matches (match method, sync), and if so, calls middleware.execute (async) on the provided middleware.

middleware.execute calls each middleware in order of registration. Middleware can either continue forward (call next) or abort (call done). If all middleware continues, middleware.execute calls next (the callback). If any middleware aborts, middleware.execute calls done (which eventually returns to the robot.receive callback).

middleware.execute next returns to, which executes the matched Listener’s callback and then calls the robot.receive callback.

Inside the robot.receive processing loop, message.done is checked after each If the message has been marked as done, robot.receive returns. This correctly handles asynchronous middleware, but will not catch an asynchronous set of message.done inside the listener callback (which is expected to be synchronous).

If no listener matches the message (distinct from setting message.done), a CatchAllMessage is created which wraps the original message. This new message is run through all listeners again testing for a match. robot.catchAll creates a special listener that only matches CatchAllMessages.


Listeners are registered using several functions on the robot object: hear, respond, enter, leave, topic, and catchAll.

A listener is used via its call method, which is responsible for testing to see if a message matches (match is an abstract method) and if so, executes the listener’s callback.

Listener callbacks are assumed to be synchronous.


There are two primary entry points for middleware:

  1. robot.listenerMiddleware - registers a new piece of middleware in a global array
  2. middleware.execute - executes all registered middleware in order


Hubot has a memory exposed as the robot.brain object that can be used to store and retrieve data. Furthermore, Hubot scripts exist to enable persistence across Hubot restarts. hubot-redis-brain is such a script and uses a backend Redis server.

By default, the brain contains a list of all users seen by Hubot. Therefore, without persistence across restarts, the brain will contain the list of users encountered so far, during the current run of Hubot. On the other hand, with persistence across restarts, the brain will contain all users encountered by Hubot during all of its runs. This list of users can be accessed through hubot.brain.users() and other utility methods.