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Hubot Documentation

Campfire adapter

Campfire is a web based chat application built by 37signals. The Campfire adapter is one of the original adapters in Hubot.

Getting Started

You will need a Campfire account to start, which you can sign up for free.

Next, you will need to create a user on your Campfire account for your Hubot, then give it access so it can join to your rooms. You will need to create a room if you haven't already.

Hubot defaults to using its shell, so to use Campfire instead, you can run hubot with -a campfire:

% bin/hubot -a campfire

If you are deploying to Heroku or using foreman, you need to make sure the hubot is called with -a campfire in the Procfile:

web: bin/hubot -a campfire -n Hubot


The adapter requires the following environment variables.


Campfire API Token

This can be found by logging in with your hubot's account click the My Info link and make a note of the API token.

Campfire Room IDs

If you join the rooms you want your hubot to join will see notice a numerical ID for the room in the URL. Make a note of each ID for the rooms you want your hubot to join.

Campfire Account

This is simply the first part of the domain you visit for your Campfire account. For example if your Campfire was at your subdomain is hubot. Make a note of the subdomain.

Configuring the variables on Heroku

% heroku config:set HUBOT_CAMPFIRE_TOKEN="..."
                % heroku config:set HUBOT_CAMPFIRE_ROOMS="123,321"
                % heroku config:set HUBOT_CAMPFIRE_ACCOUNT="..."

Configuring the variables on UNIX

                % export HUBOT_CAMPFIRE_ROOMS="123,321"
                % export HUBOT_CAMPFIRE_ACCOUNT="..."

Configuring the variables on Windows

Using PowerShell:

                setx HUBOT_CAMPFIRE_ROOMS "123,321" /m
                setx HUBOT_CAMPFIRE_ACCOUNT "..." /m